Friday, March 2, 2012

Burger King: The Lunch Battle Is Over

1. Who is the woman in the ad? What is she wearing, and why?
-The women in the ad looks like a women in her 30s, fairly young. She is wearing what looks to be a viking suit, but is made out of cooking utensils. She is wearing it because she is supose to be  "battling" for lunch

 2. Where would you expect to see an ad like this, and why? If you were an advertising executive, where would you place this ad? How would you target your public? Explain.
-I would expect to see this ad all over. To me, its really funny and really draws the people to it. So if i was an advertising executive, I would place this every where!

3. What connection does the tag line, "The Lunch Battle Is Over" have to the product? What association or product image is the company trying to promote?
-I believe this ad is saying that kids are picky eaters, and its going to be a "battle" when feeding them. I believe Burger King is saying the battles over if you come hand bring your kids here.

4. What is Burger King trying to do with this ad? Who are they targeting? Is there a primary audience and a secondary one? Explain.
-Burger King is trying to target mom's in to bringing theyre kids to burger king. I believe this ad targets likely everyone, but mainly moms and their children. Everyone has gone to burger king probably once in their life,  and this is just a humorous way burger king is advertising it.

1 comment:

  1. Great thorough analysis of both ads. You write quite well on the topic of advertising (so you might want to consider my class for Eng 1A. heehee that's a hint on a few of our class topics). Also interesting is that this ad is slightly different, a different woman. I had no idea they had several women in this campaign, as I'd never noticed it before seeing these ads in the book.

    I've def. noticed the D&G ads before though. The main theme in those ads are hard to miss-sex sells & sexy women sell expensive products.
