Monday, March 5, 2012

Cartoon analysis

                    The cartoon on page 29 of Mr. P is hilarious! Junior describes his teacher as extremely skinny, has a big nose, dirty clothes, and has dandruff. It just really portrays this goofy, funny looking guy, and I can see why Junior makes fun of him. He does seem wierd, but in the end Mr. P does care about Junior and he wants him to become something in life. He doesn't want Junior becoming like everyone else on the Rez, and that's why Mr.p influence Arnold ( Junior) to go to Reardan ( an all white, rich school) so that he can better himself in education. To me, Mr. P seems like a warm-hearted, genuine old man that truely cares for his students, and you can tell he feels bad for how he treated "indians" in the past, and he confesses to Junior his faults. It takes alot of strength to admit your faults, and you can tell Mr. P himself is trying to become a better person and wants Arnold to do the same.


  1. I love this cartoon! You described it perfectly! Mr. P may look like a gross guy but he has good intentions and you definitely captured that in your description.
