Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Obsessions with Women In The Media

Now days in the media, women are brain-washed into wanting to look like celebrities and have a perfect, sexy image.   This is conducted by the way media advertises women, by giving an image that is false by photo shopping, stray tans, and computerized touch ups.  The media has convinced women in believing that they could be beautiful and sexy with the styles that famous women advertise, in which are pretty pricy,  when in reality, women are just as beautiful as being themselves.  Women are so obsessed by what they look like, they start feeling that they have to raise their standards, and look like the women in the media in order to feel pretty and beautiful. My best friend is a hair dresser and she  told me about all the women who constantly come in with pictures of women from the media, such as famous people, and they ask her to do their hair like the picture they brought in. So I went into my friends work and watched and analyzed the women that came in for appointments. For the whole day that I was there, 5 out of 7 clients brought a picture that was from a magazine or off the internet of a women they didn't know. The clients got good results, so they are repeatedly drawn back into the cycle of looking like women from the media and getting their look, when in reality it was the hair dresser who created the outcome of beautiful hair, not the picture.  This just really shocked me because they wanted to look like the women that the media advertised, but didn't want to have their own voice in the way they looked. This just really showed me how much of an impact advertising really has on people. Advertising takes away originality from people and limits the creativity a person can have on their own, by making women believe they have to look like a certain image in order to feel beautiful and accepted.

Before:                                   After:


  1. I completely agree. What we see on television and magazines is not reality. Most of the women in the media are photoshopped, or have had plastic surgery. The comercials for herbal essences and other hair products are completely fake. Most of the women have wigs or extensions as well as the comercials for mascara. They false advertise which creates an unrealistic image that most women in America can not obtain.

  2. I agree with this concept 110%. We live in such a double standard society and that being said women seem to be targeted the most. Our society has created an image that they expect almost all women to exceed and that is just very unrealistic. No person is exactly alike, and yes we all have our expectations, but no individual is perfect and they put this idea in our heads that we have to be.

  3. I feel exact the same way. In general, women never happy with their own style, because media tells them what is good or bad look for them. I very much don't like when ladies "paint" their faces too much, when they already beautifil just the way they are. Funny thing - I'm the first guy posting on here.

  4. I completely agree with you. People are trying wayyyy to hard to look like celebrities. I believe that true beauty or being true and happy with the way you look is a key goal I want to keep in my life.

  5. This post must have hit a nerve, it got a lot of comments and it was interesting to read the perspective of a male on the topic, too.

    This was a great idea for a blog post, where you actually went out to the beauty salon and did some informal field research to back up what we've been reading about. I really enjoy the originality, (which ironically is just the opposite of these women you write about in many ways.)

    Your post reminds me of a Dove Beauty video that I'm now going to try to show in class on Monday. Good post. Nice job.
