Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Doing this class blog has really been fun and interesting to do. The blog allows others as well as myself, to expand our voice and learn about other people and their ideas. It was fun creating the whole blog because you could make it the way you wanted to by choosing a background, your font, format, and style of writing. It really expressed who I am as an individual and it showed people who I am as well. I also liked how you can comment on other people's blogs. It gives great feedback to people, and gives them constructive complements on their work. When people do this, it really makes me and I'm sure others, feel good and inspired by the  work they've done, and promotes them to keep up the good work.  I would definitely do another blog if I got the chance to. It was a really great experience.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog was very entertaining and engaging. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and perspectives on these topics. Hopefully you will keep writing in some format, so you can keep expressing yourself.
