The Notebook is a 2004 romantic dram film directed by Nick Cassavetes, based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks . The film stars Ryan Gosling and Racheal McAdams as a young couple who fall in love during the early 1940s. Their story is narrated from the present day by an elderly man played by James Garner. Im sure that many of you have already seen this movie. It is my absolute all time movie favorite! I love this movie because the story is just so touching, and truly expresses the value of ever lasting love. The message that stood out to me was that if you love someone, then never give up trying. This message was important because throught the whole movie it expressed how even though Allie ( Racheal McAdams) moved away and was with another man, Noah (Ryan Gosling) still tried to show her that she was happier and was her true self with him. And after all those years, he still never gave up on her. This movie is very sad, because after all those years together, Allie develops Alzhimers and Noah reads her the story everyday so that she'll come back to him. It is the best romance movies of all time!! So if you haven't seen it....Go rent it!!!
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