Saturday, April 14, 2012

Does Money= Happiness?

I personally don't think that money equals happiness. Does money relieve alot financial stress from people's lives? ....ofcourse, but when you get the meaning of true happiness it has nothing to do with money. You could be a billionarie and still be lacking happiness. Alot of people who are famous have tons of money, but still have no happiness. Happiness comes from the heart, and to me family and the joy of love brings the greatest happiness. Growing up, I never really had alot of money in my family, but my dad did the best he could, and brought me so much joy to my life that money never really mattered because we had eachother. So money isn't everything. It's more of a want than a need, and yes, is nice to have, but we people over look the finer things in life when it comes to happiness. Money does not equal happiness. Love is the greatest treasure we hold when it comes to happiness, we just have to find it.

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