Monday, April 2, 2012

PBS Culture Shock

  Me and my partner Devin A have decided that video games are a form of art because their visuals are created to entertain.  We did not find the video game image to be offensive or objectionable. The images were graphic but were not offensive, because I am at the maturity level to get the concept of the images. Would these images disturb a younger audience yes, because they are not at a maturity level to understand the material. Its all about the audience.  It wasn't difficult at all trying to figure out whether or not the image should be on the homepage, because the image showed no signs of violence to us. It looked more Sci-Fi to Devin and I, and we both agreed that it would be appropriate to have on the homepage.   Some of the quotes from the site did try and sway our decision.  They really do try and change your mind to feel strongly aginst the image, but they weren't strong enough to change Devin and I's opinion. No we don't believe that violent video games is an outlet for our aggression, because if anything it would antagonize the situation or their state of mind. We believe that their way of balancing violence in games is a way to entertain. Should little kids be playing violence games? No because they game organizations have and limits to gamers by ratings, and it is the people's responsibility to abide by those rules. 

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