Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cartoon Analysis Compare & Contrast

I found this cartoon on the inernet and I am comparing and contrasting it to the cartoon on page 172 of "What Materrs in America" in which I could not find online to display. Both of the cartoons are media and technology related. This cartoon expreses how teens are so addicted to facebook and social netorks and a broader idea, media. In the other cartoon, it's expressing how violence in the media affects people, and how it adds "fear" to peoples lives. Both of the comics were done by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman based on the comic Zits, and shows how media has an impact on peoples lives in a negative way.


  1. Haha this cartoon is funny, because it is so true. It seems like some people spend more time posting on fb or other sites when they could just look up the answer on their own or even just take care of it. Good find.

  2. I love the cartoon strip Zits! It's so funny and always brings up reality issues with all of us. Facebook totally takes a huge toll on everyone's life and not always for the better!
