Tuesday, April 3, 2012

You Decide

When my partner, Devin A, and I worked together to decide whether or not the video game image should be the homepage image, it wasn't very difficult at all. We both strongly agreed that specific images are targeted to a general audience and ones maturity level is highly influenced by what a person considers to be right and wrong. If an image is there to support the advertisement of a game, it is okay because their intentions are to portray a visual idea of the game for use of entertainment, not to represent acts of violence being okay.

        We believe video games are definitely a form of entertainment. The video game image in our opinion had nothing violent about it. It looked more Sci- Fi if anything.  We agreed that the video game image would be appropriate to have on their homepage.  On the other hand, we argue that video games that involve violence are not going to put a psychological hold on the gamer to act out in violence. Video games like all media that has inappropriate images for young viewers,  have ratings. If you're a parent and you have a 6 year old who wants Call of Duty, and is rated M for mature, it would be in your best interest as a parent, to not buy that for your child. Kids at that age aren't mature enough to understand the difference between using your imagination to be aggressive in the game,  and  knowing that it's not ok in real life. It's definitely all about the audience and viewer. You need to know who is going to be the audience in order to judge whether or not the image or game would be appropriate.

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